
Turn Your Social Media Followers Into Paying Customers

social media

Are your social media pages successful? Do you get a lot of likes and comments on your posts? This is a great way to gain exposure and to increase your brand recognition, but at some point, you want to turn these followers into real paying customers and clients. How can you make the leap from a social media relationship to a business relationship?

This conversion is tricky. It’s one thing to ask someone to follow you on social media, but it’s another thing entirely if you want those same people to trust you with their money. This is why it’s critical to use your social media platforms as a way to inform, educate and establish trust.

One way to do this is by asking your social media followers to sign up for your emails. Your subscription contacts are a great way to communicate more directly about the different ways the readers can engage with your company. To entice followers to sign up, you can offer incentives like percentages off their first purchases or other benefits.

Another way to convert your followers is to have fun. People respond well to social media accounts that are engaging, entertaining and fun. No matter what type of company you work for, it is possible to let some personality shine through your posts. It is also important for your content to be genuine and approachable.

Finally, keep your content professional. This doesn’t mean boring—it just means to make sure that what you are posting is well-written and accurate. If you have a Facebook post full of spelling errors, your followers may not take your business very seriously. Every post, video, meme or other type of content you post is a chance to make an impression and take another step in converting your followers into customers.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC

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