
Sole Proprietor? How To Do It All And Not Lose Your Mind.

sole proprietor

Sole proprietors represent a huge majority of small businesses in America. That means many successful, even widely known business are run by one person—just one. If you have your own business or dream of jumping into an entrepreneurial endeavor someday, you may be a sole proprietor. Chances are, at least in the beginning, you will have to do it all on your own—from marketing to vacuuming, as there will be no one else available to help you get the job done.

There are many benefits to being a sole proprietor. You get to make all of decisions without debate. You can control when you work and how to go about your daily business. But, despite the many benefits to being on your own, you still have to find a way to get all the things done. Literally, all. the. things. How can you effectively run a business, have a personal life and still manage to not lose your mind? It’s hard, but you can take back control and regain some sanity by establishing a system and implementing a good bit of personal discipline. Here are the primary areas you may need to address:

  • Financial management
  • Communication
  • Scheduling and calendar
  • Project tracking
  • Email management
  • Time management
  • Social media marketing

This seems like a long list, but if you can tame the above seven items, you can corral many of the business-related areas that tend to get out of control. Careful management of your time as it relates to your business will give you more opportunity to spend being fully engaged in the time that you spend away from work. You may be the captain, deck hand, crew and play every other role that pertains to the success of your small business, but it does not have to come in exchange of your sanity, friends or family.

Sole proprietors must find a way to make their businesses work for them, and not spend their entire lives working. Find a way to reign in the areas that tend to steal most of your time, making it a point not to work more, but to work more productively.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC

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