
Overcoming The Obstacles To Writing Your First Book


For some writers, the ultimate goal is to write a book. Writing a book is a huge endeavor that can be very challenging, especially if you’ve never completed such a large project before. If it’s your first book, you’re also likely working on other projects to bring in the income needed to pay your bills, so it can be hard to find the time you need to write your book. Aspiring authors who are working on their first book can benefit from learning how best to use their writing time and how to make progress towards their goal of finally becoming a published author.

Set flexible goals

Set goals based on how many words you want to write per week, or how many hours you want to spend on your project. You can make your writing a priority without letting it take over your life. Flexibility is important when you’re working on a large project like writing your first book. Know that it’s ok for the project to take longer than expected. You may make changes along the way, or experience writer’s block, which can cause your project to take longer than expected. 

Use help when you need it

A good editor can suggest changes and help you create something that you’re proud of. While some authors may choose to edit their work themselves, it can be hard for you to find all the mistakes in your own creation. An outside editor will add to the expense of writing your book, but it can be extremely helpful in creating the finished product.

Find a publisher

Finding someone to publish your book may not be easy. Publishers are constantly receiving content that must be sifted through to find the books that are worth publishing. Publishers are there to make money and to publish books that they believe will be successful. Don’t hesitate to send your finished work to several publishers to try to find a good fit. You also have the option to self-publish, which is a good option for many first-time book authors.

Writing a book is a big undertaking that can consume your life if you let it. When you’re trying to write your first book, be open to the challenges and know that everything may not go as planned. Writing the book is only the first step. Some authors may find that the editing process, and choosing how best to publish their book, is even more challenging than writing. Fortunately, many authors find that determination and the will to succeed help them reach their goals.  

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