
New Year’s Resolutions For The Self-Employed


It’s the time of year when many people start thinking about the changes they want to make in the new year. While New Year’s resolutions often relate to fitness, health, or other changes you may want to make in your personal life, resolutions can also help you improve your professional life. If you’re self-employed, you may benefit from making resolutions that will improve your productivity, which in turn can help you earn more money. Consider the following work-related resolutions if you want to make a positive change in your professional life. 

  • Get better at saying “no” – You don’t have to accept every project or job opportunity that comes your way. Being able to say no when you don’t have the time or capability to work on something is important and can prevent burnout. 
  • Work on more projects that you enjoy – Work may not always be enjoyable. Many people are tasked with jobs that they take no joy in. But when possible, take on projects that make you happy and that give you a sense of pride once they’re complete. 
  • Invest in yourself – Consider taking a class or learning a new skill that can make you more valuable to your customers or clients. This not only improves your chances of finding more work and earning more money but also helps you feel more confident in your capabilities.
  • Outsource as needed – Outsourcing saves time but costs money. Sometimes, your time is more valuable than your money and by outsourcing tasks that can be completed by someone else, you can spend more time doing work that needs your attention. 
  • Find a balance – Self-employed individuals often find it hard to step away from work. But finding a balance between your work life and personal life is essential for your mental well-being. Give yourself permission to focus on hobbies, spend time with friends and family, or simply relax without thinking about work. 

As 2025 approaches, you may already be planning on changes you want to make in the new year. Work-related New Year’s resolutions can help increase your productivity and decrease your stress. Focus on finding a balance between your work and personal time. Learn how to say no when necessary, invest in yourself, and focus on finding jobs you enjoy while outsourcing work that doesn’t need your special attention. 

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