Look just about anywhere on the Internet and you will likely find someone offering services as a freelance worker. While some freelancers are content to continue at the same level of success, others are not as satisfied with this path. There are actually many former freelancers who understood how to up their game and transform their small, freelancing service into a growing and thriving online business.
The gap between freelancers and entrepreneurs might seem too wide to bridge, but, for those dedicated to succeeding in online business, the distance is not far at all. By following a few relatively easy steps and adding in a big helping of hard work, a freelancer can transform his or her service into a successful business.
1. Consider the market
Has there been an increase in demand for work lately? Are there more clients than you are able to handle? The time might be right to expand.
2. Take care of the legalities
Most people can start freelancing without having to sign or register legal documentation, but if you plan to start hiring people, you will need to have the legal ability to do so. Consider consulting with other start-up owners or a knowledgeable attorney when completing this step.
3. Find your funding
Contact investors who are interested in individuals who have already built successful freelancing services and pitch your business. Make sure you already have your business plan and finance estimates prepared and ready to go.
4. Hire your team
You will still be wearing most of the hats around the virtual office, but having a few extra hands on deck can leave customers with a more satisfying experience.
5. Get the word out
Let your former freelance customers know that your services have expanded through a new business and consider offering one-time discounts for “returning” customers. Also, do not forget how important social media can be for advertising.
While it is certainly okay for freelancers to feel happy and comfortable with the freelance career that they have built for themselves, there is nothing standing in the way of those who desire more.