Being outdoors brings joy to many. Whether it’s hiking, camping or doing other outdoor activities, outdoorsy people are everywhere. If you have an outdoor lover on your holiday shopping list and you’re not well-versed in outdoor gear and equipment, you may not be sure what is available and what type of gift your loved one will appreciate. Think about how they enjoy spending their time and consider the following items while you’re doing your holiday shopping this year.
Safety gear
For those who hike and camp in remote areas, staying safe is very important. Access to clean water is essential when you’re outdoors, so a water bottle with a built-in filter can make a great gift. A tracking device is helpful when traveling where cell service may not be available. A portable battery pack, preferably a solar one, can prevent worries over a dead phone battery. One piece of equipment that a lot of people don’t think about is a dry bag. If your outdoorsy friends or family members don’t have one yet, they’re sure to appreciate it as a gift, and they will likely use it many times to keep their gear safe and dry while enjoying the outdoors.
Fun outdoor gadgets
Your outdoor-loving friend or family member likely already has most of the basics. People can be picky about their tents, hiking boots and other important gear. However, they may not have all the fun gadgets that can make being outdoors more enjoyable. Portable hammocks and inflatable kayaks are a lot of fun and are lightweight, so they can be packed away easily. A good headlamp and a well-made multi-use tool are incredibly useful and can be lifesavers when camping or hiking.
Lovers of the outdoors generally enjoy their gear and equipment. While experienced outdoors adventurers likely have the basics already, there are still plenty of innovative and practical gifts to choose from when shopping this holiday season. Think about gifts that help them stay safe and better enjoy their time outdoors, and you’re sure to find a winning gift that they will love.