
Copywriters Can Benefit From Making Yearly Goals For 2024


It’s the time of year when many people plan to make changes in the coming year. It’s common to look for ways to improve your professional life by setting goals that can help you get better at what you do. If you work in copywriting, now is the time to make a business plan for 2024 that can help you reach your goals for the new year. 

Evaluate 2023

The first thing to do when planning for 2024 is to look back at 2023. Figure out what worked well and in which areas you can improve. What goals did you accomplish in the past year and how can you use those goals to help you set new goals for the coming year? Consider what you can do to improve your financial situation in 2024. Evaluate your successes and failures to decide how you can improve your work skills. Talk to your clients to see what they will be looking for in the new year, so you understand what you need to offer to keep those clients and gain new ones. 

What changes need to be made?

Where can you improve your skills, making you more attractive to potential clients? You may want to learn more about a niche market or gain new skills in editing. Copywriters are constantly tasked with adapting as trends and technology change. The new Artificial Intelligence technology has led many copywriters to pivot their writing to stay ahead of that technology and prove that human writers are still a valuable asset. Decide how you can grow as a copywriter and create goals based on the changes you wish to make. 

Creating a plan for 2024 can help you visualize the changes you need to make to improve yourself professionally. Consider what worked and what didn’t in 2023 when you decide on your goals for the coming year. Changing and adapting to technology can help you stay relevant in a world where AI seems to be taking over. Be flexible when creating your plan for the new year and focus on what you can do to maintain your clients list and find new opportunities. 

Reducing Holiday Stress When You’re Self-Employed


Holiday stress can affect anyone, but it can be particularly challenging for those who are self-employed. When you act as your own boss, all your work responsibilities rest on your shoulders, which can amplify stress when life is extra hectic. This holiday season, you may want to try some stress-relieving tips that may help you enjoy the season more and worry less about finances and other work-related matters. 


When you work for yourself, you likely have some freedom when it comes to choosing your hours during the holiday season. Most people enjoy having some time away from work to spend with friends and family, but taking time away from work when you’re self-employed often means you’re making less money. This is one of those times when you may have to decide what’s more important and choose how to plan your time leading up to the holidays based on what’s highest on your priority list.  

Set boundaries

As a self-employed person, you may struggle with setting boundaries that separate your work life from your personal life. When the end-of-year holidays come around, it’s important to be aware of how much downtime you’re giving yourself to do activities you enjoy. Understandably, you may want to take on more work to increase your income during this busy time of year, but it’s essential for your mental and physical well-being to ensure you have time to relax. 

Prepare financially for next year

One of the best ways to alleviate stress during the holidays is to plan ahead in ways that can reduce stressful situations. Often, self-employed individuals have financial concerns during this time of year. One of the best ways to deal with those concerns is to start saving early in the year so you have the funds you need when the holidays arrive. Set up a savings account just for holiday expenses and try not to dip into that account until the holidays arrive. 

The holiday season is a busy time for most people. But for those who are self-employed, the temptation to work as much as possible can be overwhelming. Most people find themselves spending significantly more money during this time of year, which can make you feel pressured to work more than normal. By finding ways to reduce your stress, you can better enjoy the holiday season. 

Freelancing After Retirement


When you retire, you may look forward to having the freedom and flexibility that you lacked while working a full-time job. But some retirees grow bored without having something productive to do with their newly found spare time. Hobbies and learning new skills can be a great way to spend your time after retirement, but if you want to earn money to supplement your retirement income, consider freelancing. There are plenty of freelance jobs you can do in retirement, and most allow you to work when you want without requiring a huge time commitment. 

The benefits of freelance work for retirees

When you work as a freelancer, you have the freedom to dictate the terms of your workweek. If you choose to work after retirement to stay occupied, rather than needing the income, you can selectively choose to work on projects that you truly enjoy. Another great thing about freelance work is that you don’t have to deal with long-term contracts. Many freelancers work from project to project without committing to clients, providing the freedom to take time off when it’s needed.

Where to find work 

When looking for a freelance job, you don’t have to stick with something similar to your previous profession. Think about what you enjoy and are passionate about; there may be an opportunity to earn money doing those activities. A quick search for freelance jobs can help you find what you’re looking for. Online job sites can also be helpful. Freelancers do everything from writing and editing to online tutoring. If you’re an animal lover, you could be a dog walker or pet sitter. One of the great things about working as a freelancer is the many opportunities to find work if you can provide a service that someone else needs.

Retirement is a season of life that many people look forward to, but you also may find that you’re bored and have a lot of free time on your hands. If you want to do something productive and profitable, consider working as a freelancer where, how, and when you want to do it.

Copywriters Should Know When To Drop A Client


Each client likely has preferences on how they want their content written, and a copywriter often must adapt to meet those needs. Occasionally, you may find a client to be difficult and realize that working with them is no longer worth your time. When this happens, you may have to drop a client, which can be an intimidating process.

Knowing when to drop a client

The thought of dropping a client, which will directly affect your income, can be stressful. You may worry about not being able to find new clients to replace the ones you stopped working with, but sometimes, working with a difficult client is not worth the impact it can have on your mental well-being. If you find that a client is asking too much of you, whether that means not paying you for your time, adding to, or continuously changing project guidelines, it may be time for you to step away. Before walking away completely, respectfully communicate with your client about the issues to see if they wish to make changes and continue the working relationship. If not, it’s probably time to end it.

How to end your relationship professionally

One of the most important things to a copywriter is their reputation. When dropping a client, you want to do so with respect and professionalism. Give your client notice before ending the relationship. Unless the client is extremely toxic, it’s best to complete any projects you’re already working on, and fulfill any contracts you have, before walking away. There’s usually no need to explain in detail why you’re ending the relationship. Simply tell your client that you’re making some changes in your career, and you can no longer take on their projects.

Dropping a client is difficult, but sometimes it’s necessary. If a client has unrealistic expectations, you may never be able to please them, which can cost you both time and income. If you do have to drop a client, be professional and choose your words wisely when ending the relationship. This will help protect your reputation so you’re able to find new clients to work with, moving forward.