
Tips For Becoming A Better Copywriter


Most people can benefit from continuing to learn about how to improve their job skills. Many companies offer continuing education to help you learn about trends and technology in your field. Even without formal classes, you can benefit from keeping up with the latest information about developments in your field. This is especially true for copywriters as the use of technology, and especially the popularity of social media, changes the way writers create and opens new opportunities for finding clients and jobs.

Adapt with technology

Many copywriters are responsible for posting to their clients’ social media accounts. When posting on these accounts, the writing style may differ from other tasks that a copywriter would normally be responsible for. Social media posts are usually brief since many readers don’t have the time or inclination to read longer posts. Copywriters need to learn how best to engage their clients’ target audience using language that calls to action and keeps the reader interested. 

Use templates and other tools to make writing easier

Analyze your data to see which types of posts are most popular with your readers. You can use that information to create a loose template that saves time and effort when creating new posts. Having a formula to work with allows you to focus more on content. Consider making your content more accessible to readers by using active voice and avoiding complicated acronyms or phrases that may not be widely known to your audience. 

Social media is used by many brands to spread the word of their products and services. Copywriters are key in creating engaging posts for these brands. As a copywriter, you can adapt your writing to fit within the parameters of social media outlets. Shorter posts that get to the point quickly are often popular. Templates and online tools can help you write succinct and catchy posts that will reach new customers for your clients. 

Avoid Common Financial Mistakes As A Freelance Writer 


There are many benefits to working as a freelance writer. You can usually set your own schedule and often have the convenience of working at home or nearly anywhere that you have access to the internet. But freelancing also has some drawbacks, and most of those are associated with being the person making all the decisions. This can be especially true when it comes to your finances. Learning to navigate the world of freelancing, while maintaining financial responsibility, can take some time. This knowledge comes with experience, but being aware of others’ mistakes can help you avoid making those same mistakes yourself. 

Know the value of your time 

When you first start out as a freelance writer, you may have to take jobs that pay less than you would like just to get some experience. But it’s important to know what you are worth and to always be aware of how much time and effort a job will take. Whether you’re getting paid by the word, by the hour, or by the project, it’s good to estimate the time you think will be required to complete the project to see if it’s worth your time. Also, know your strengths and consider your experience when accepting projects. Just because something pays well, doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for you.

Plan for the future 

As a freelancer, you have some flexibility when it comes to taking time off. But many freelance writers struggle with this and can even feel guilty when taking time away from work. Save up an emergency or vacation fund so you’re able to take sick time or vacation time when your schedule allows. Planning for the future also means being aware of your tax responsibilities. Know what you will owe and set aside money regularly so you’re not rushing to find the funds right before the payment is due.

Freelance writers have the option to work on projects of their choosing within reason. This can make working more enjoyable, but also stressful. Because freelancers are often solely responsible for finding work, diversifying is important, so you don’t have to take low-paying jobs or choose work that you’re not experienced in. As a freelancer, it’s important to stay on top of your finances so you’re prepared for the future. While freelance writing does come with some challenges, the convenience and flexibility often makes the lifestyle worth it. 

How To Identify Text Written By Artificial Intelligence Programs

artificial intelligence

As AI software gains popularity and becomes more accessible, more people may turn to this type of technology to write articles, blogs, and other work that would usually be completed by a human writer. While there is nothing inherently wrong with using AI in some cases, there are legitimate reasons why you may want to be aware when a text is generated by AI. 

Artificial intelligence is not perfect

Technology can be useful in many ways, but artificial intelligence simply cannot write in the same way as a human. Articles written by AI can come across as robotic and void of emotion, leaving readers with a feeling of detachment. While AI software may be able to get the message across, it often does so in a way that feels disingenuous. This is why some people want to avoid using AI-written content.

How to spot it

Content generated by AI may be grammatically correct with no misspellings or improper punctuation, but it usually lacks emotion. You can read something written by AI, and understand the point behind the writing, without engaging with the article. If a written piece is generated by AI, it may seem too perfect since the programs are designed to follow generally accepted writing rules. 

Since the technology is so new, it can be hard to spot the differences between AI-generated content and pieces written by humans. Programs for differentiating AI are being developed, but they are not infallible and not widely available. If you’re looking for writers, and don’t want AI-written content, be sure to let that be known to those you’re working with. While AI-written content can work for some purposes, it’s not always appropriate, and there’s nothing wrong with requiring content that is written by a human writer.

Technology is always changing quickly, and artificial intelligence is likely to stick around. While it is beneficial in many ways, we can’t overlook the fact that in some circumstances, the human element is important. This is especially true with written pieces. You may read something written by AI and understand it but feel that there is no emotion behind it. Emotion is what makes words powerful and without human writers, the written word is likely to become boring and monotonous, leaving writers and readers wanting something more.   

Networking Tips For Freelance Writers


The art of networking benefits workers in many fields. While networking comes easy to some people, others can struggle. Networking means promoting yourself to potential clients or customers and self-promotion makes many people feel uncomfortable. But networking when you’re a freelance worker, particularly a writer, can gain you much more work and experience, helping you advance in your career.

Networking 101

Having a good network means you have connections to others in your field, giving you chances to find projects and clients that you may have not otherwise known about. Networking means reaching out both in-person and online. Be sure to have your social media accounts up-to-date, especially professional accounts that list your previous work accomplishments. Networking events can also be a great opportunity to connect with others.

Know how to pitch your work

Not everyone enjoys talking about themselves, but in networking, having a good sales pitch for yourself is essential. You can sound confident without being cocky by taking a humble approach. Be brief, but consistent when selling your abilities to others. Talk about some of your proudest accomplishments but avoid lengthy speeches about all your credentials going back throughout your entire career. If you’re new to the world of freelance writing and don’t have much experience, be sure to provide information to potential clients that shows why you would be a good fit for their projects. This means doing some research ahead of time so that you’re prepared.

Networking as a freelance writer can be intimidating since you’re on your own and solely responsible for finding projects and clients to work with. But you know yourself and your abilities better than anyone else, which means you have the best chance of pitching your talents to others. A successful freelancer is always networking both online and in person. You never know when you’ll make a connection that turns out to be career-changing. 

Improve Your Editing Skills


If you work as a writer in any capacity, you’re likely to do some editing. While many writers do use another editor, it’s always a good idea to read through your work before submitting it. Some freelance writers do all their own editing, which can be difficult because it’s sometimes challenging to find errors in your own work. But you can improve your editing skills, which can be a beneficial tool for any writer. 

Know your weaknesses

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing. Know your personal challenges when writing and look for those when you’re editing. Try to use active voice rather than passive voice, something many writers struggle with. Utilize a digital editor to help you find mistakes and be aware of the mistakes you make often. 

Be thorough

A quick initial read-through of your writing can often find most mistakes. Once you complete the initial edit, go back and thoroughly check everything line by line. This includes spelling, grammatical errors, and syntax. Long sentences can be hard to read and may not get your message across like shorter sentences. Break up sentences to help get the point across and keep your reader interested. 

Improve your skills

People often get comfortable in their writing, which can lead to stagnation. Improve your writing skills by trying new words or a different writing style. Keep a thesaurus handy to help you avoid using the same words over and over. Be wary of using complex words unless it adds something to your writing. Some readers may not be aware of the meaning of uncommonly used words, leading them to lose interest. 

Editing can be a chore, but it’s valuable for writers to also be good editors. Improving your editing skills can save time and prevent the need to rewrite. Use a style guide and online tools to help you find mistakes and make changes to your work so it’s easy to understand and engaging to your target audience.