
The Difficulty Of Losing A Good Employee


The success of any business is built on the foundation of good employees who sincerely care about their work. Truly valuable employees are those who not only do what is asked of them, but those who also take the time to go above and beyond. It can be difficult to imagine what the life of a business will be like without these individuals. The loss of this type of employee to another job opportunity or for a different reason can feel devastating.

If you are an employer or manager facing the loss of a valuable and seemingly irreplaceable employee, you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of what this could mean for the future of your company. This transition may leave you with logistical challenges as well as a void in the emotional leadership of your company. While this is a difficult position to find yourself in, the following steps could be helpful for you at this time:

• Before their appointed departure date, speak with the employee about his or her concerns and feedback with the position. This will help you prepare for the next person to fill this role.
• Reassess your remaining team members’ talents and abilities. It may be helpful to restructure workloads or reorganize certain functions of your operations.
• Stop focusing on the loss, and instead focus on what you can do moving forward that allows you to be the best team possible. Consider this an opportunity for growth and learning.

Employees can be immensely valuable, but the true value and strength of your company does not lie with one person. It is possible to grieve this type of loss while also preparing to move forward at the same time. Your perspective and outlook will set the tone for other employees and have an immense impact on your operations going forward.

Overcoming Your Self-Destructive Habits


If you’ve had a difficult time reaching your goals, it is possible your lack of progress is the result of your own self-destructive habits. Without realizing it, you could be sabotaging your own efforts and keeping yourself from moving forward. If you are stuck in what seems like a never-ending cycle of disappointment and frustration, you may want to take a close look at yourself and your habits first.

It’s tempting to assume that your struggles are the result of external factors and things you can’t control. While you could be experiencing things that may not be your fault, don’t overlook the role you could be inadvertently playing in your current circumstances. A close look at your mindset and habits could reveal certain changes you need to make. During a reset, the following tips could be useful:

• Don’t be afraid to start fresh – You may be stuck to the habit of trying the same thing over and over again. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to admit you need to try another option. This is not a defeat—it’s an adjustment.
• Consider what has worked in the past – What habits and strategies have worked well for you in the past? Looking back can help you see why your current path isn’t serving you well.
• Get an outside perspective – It may require you to swallow some of your pride, but there is no shame in asking for the perspective and advice of someone else. An outside view into your habits could help you see what needs to be changed.

The thing about your habits is that you may not realize that they could be what’s standing between you and your goals. It will take an honest look at yourself to see how you could be self-destructing, but this could allow you see issues and adapt accordingly. If you want to be successful, you can’t be afraid to adapt, change and grow.