
The Art Of The Follow-Up Email

follow-up email

One of the most important aspects of succeeding in sales is to make positive connections with customers. Typically, making a connection takes more than one point of contact, which means a follow-up email could be crucial to making the sale. You’ve talked to your prospect once, and you may think the ball is in his or her court, but in reality, it’s really in yours. What you do next could make the difference between closing the sale or losing it completely.

It’s crucial to master the art of the follow-up email. This is one of the most effective ways to make another contact with your client or customer, so it’s important to do it well. In addition to fostering the connection made with a client, it also establishes a sense of trust. It’s important to do this personally, refraining from using a form letter. Touch on things you spoke about the first time, and avoid using pushy or aggressive language.

This provides you the opportunity to continue to the conversation you started the first time. A well-drafted follow-up email can be the first step in establishing loyalty between your company and the client. As you converse, you can learn more about how you can meet the needs of your prospect, what he or she is looking for, and how you can improve.

In most cases, a prospective customer or client will not follow up without prompting. It is your job to make the sale, not your prospect’s responsibility. If you want to close, you have to perfect the art of the follow-up email. You can start practicing by reaching out to those you haven’t contacted in awhile or those you haven’t reached out to a second time. Your follow-up email may be the small effort that creates a loyal customer-company relationship that lasts for years.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC