Do you need to be more productive? Do you need your team to be more productive? If so, you may think the answer is working harder, implementing new systems or trying new time management tricks. While these things can be helpful, you may need to take a closer look at your interactions within your workplace. Better communication and improved interactions can have an immeasurable effect on the productivity of every member of the team.
One aspect of this is creating a healthy work environment. A work environment affects how efficiently things run and how well employees communicate with one another. It can even affect how employees think, how they work together and whether they feel comfortable expressing their concerns. Creating a healthy environment is about more than just the physical space – it involves intangible things as well.
To increase productivity, improve your interactions when providing and receiving feedback. This doesn’t mean that you will never have to give or hear negative feedback or constructive criticism, but it means you will do this in ways that allow for conversation, growth and improvement. It also means you leave room for questions and concerns. These types of conversations are more productive when they’re two-sided.
If you need to push for better productivity for yourself or your team members, make it a point to celebrate and incentivize good work. When you give people something to work for, they will be more intentional about how they use their time. Make it a point to notice when someone does something well, and acknowledge when someone has met a goal or is doing great work. Productivity may increase when people know their efforts are noticed and appreciated.
Increasing productivity may have less to do with time management and more to do with how you interact with your team. Think about your interactions and communication and decide whether improvements in these areas could actually make everyone on your team more productive.
By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC