
Manage Your Emotions Without Dampening Your Spirit

Are you an emotional person? If you are one of those people who always wears their emotions on their sleeves, you understand how sometimes this aspect of your personality can seem out of place in a professional setting. Work is typically not the place where you want to be acting out of pure emotion, but you also want to remain true to yourself. It can be highly beneficial to know how to manage your emotions without compromising who you really are. It’s also possible to stay calm without dampening your emotions, which is an important skill, no matter where you work or what type of job you have.

One of the most difficult times to stay calm is when stressful or unexpected things arise. Your first instinct may be to panic, cry or act rashly, but instead, train yourself to first take a deep breath and then proceed. Acting out of fear, sadness or anger probably won’t get you the results you want anyway. It can help to pause, think about what you want to get out of this situation, consider your options and then move forward with the optimal course of action.

Another way you can manage your emotions in the workplace is to avoid thinking about “what if” scenarios. It does you no good to think about the many ways things can go wrong. This will lead to stress and internalization of negativity, which will in turn lead to emotional reactions in the event that something bad does happen. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your job and take time to think about the many ways you find fulfillment in your job. This can help you stay calm and avoid stressing needlessly.

Finally, managing your emotions can start with getting a good night’s sleep. When you are tired, you are more likely to act rashly and emotionally. When you are well-rested, you will be better equipped to stay calm and act professionally at work. Having strong emotions can be an asset, but it can prove wise to know how to manage them in any type of work-related setting.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC

The Basic Skills You Need For Long-Term Success

Almost every successful career is built on hard work, consistency and skill. To get where you want to go, you have to commit to hard work that will pay off later down the road. One way you can do this is by developing and honing your skills. Some of the skills you will need are specific to your field and industry, but in many cases, the basic skills necessary for success translate to almost every type of job. When you invest the time to improve and strengthen your abilities now, you will be better prepared to step into your dreamjob down the road.

One of the most basic skills that can benefit anyone is a baseline knowledge of computers and certain computer programs, like Word, Excel and more. It is quite likely that you will have to work with computers in some capacity, and there is benefit in knowing as much as you can about them. Along those lines, it may also be smart to start working on your online marketing capabilities. Thanks to social media, many aspects of customer interaction now happens online. You’ll be ahead of the curve if you already know how to do this when the need arises.

It is also prudent to start working on your problem-solving skills. No matter what you hope your career will look like down the road or what you want to do with your own business in the future, it is almost a certainty that you will face issues and setbacks. Practice your problem-soliving skills now by taking a head-on approach to current challenges and learning from them. Everything you learn now will pay off tremendously down the road, so it’s worthwhile for you to work hard on both basic business skills and things that are more specific to your ultimate career goals.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC

Preparing Yourself To Have A Difficult Conversation

There are certain things that are simply not easy or comfortable to talk about. Whether you need to discuss something uncomfortable with a customer, employee or someone else, it’s important for you to know how to navigate these types of conversations. It is possible to learn how to have less-than-comfortable discussions in a way that allows you to communicate your concerns both intentionally and respectfully. You may dread this type of conversation, but with preparation and practice, you don’t have to be afraid of it anymore.

One thing that may help is identifying your purpose for the conversation. When you understand why the conversation has to happen, it can help you understand the best way to proceed. After this, you can start planning for how you want to walk through the course of the conversation. Where will it take place? How will you lead into difficult parts? How do you think the person will react to the conversation? When you think through and mentally prepare for every aspect of the situation, you should be able to have more control over how the discussion plays out.

It is critical as you prepare for an uncomfortable meeting or conversation to think about ways you can also show respect to the other party. It’s possible to say things directly while also maintaining your professionalism. Depending on your purpose for the conversation, you may want to ask questions and try to reach a mutual understanding. Be willing to listen, and be willing to see things from another perspective. You can still communicate your point while showing a certain amount of respect and compassion.

If you are putting off a difficult conversation because you’re dreading the awkwardness, it’s time to learn how to face these situations head-on. These types of discussions won’t magically become easier or better, but you will be more capable of communicating your point and seeking a beneficial outcome to your concerns.

By Meagan Kerlin for Vertu Marketing LLC