Do you dream of finding that perfect career that exemplifies every aspect of your purpose? You are certainly not alone in that wish, but finding a ready-made job that truly fulfills a purpose is not the easiest task in the world. Why? Well, somebody else with a very different purpose created that job or opening.
Before giving up and settling for a less-than-fulfilling career, understand that living a purpose cannot always begin in the classified section. Instead of filling a position in someone else’s purpose, build a career with its foundation solidly formed upon your very own purpose. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners started out by searching to fulfill their own purposes, and what better way to live that purpose than to create the means to do so?
First, it is important to understand your personal definition of purpose and how it contributes to achieving various goals and milestones. Imagine the type of work you could ideally envision doing and the associated type of lifestyle you would have. Create a clear image of what you would be doing and how it would fulfill your purpose.
Now, get it down on paper (digitally or not). List all of the goals related to creating a purpose-filled business and then outline the steps necessary to get the ball rolling on your future success. Make sure you leave out the opportunity to procrastinate by including a timeline for each goal to be completed.
Reached the end of your list? Congratulations! You are well on your way to living the best possible purpose-filled life.