Many aspects of business have already made the jump from paper and print to online and digital. Companies that resist this change and are slow to match trends may suffer from lower profits and slower growth than competitors. More than ever, people turn to their computers, phones or tablets to get everything from their daily news report to contact with far-away family members. How can a business make progress and see growth in an ever-shifting and changing world?
One of the fastest growing trends in the marketing world is using video. Video marketing can allow a business to share their message or product in a brief but visual contact with a potential client. Consumers have short attention spans and a business has a very short amount of time to attract a new customer. It is more important than ever to ensure that brief time is as fruitful as possible.
One of the most memorable aspects of the Superbowl every year are the commercials. People may not remember the score the next day, but they will remember the commercials that were funny or endearing. The term “viral video” speaks to the power behind this type of marketing. A video, even a short one, has the potential to touch an individual on a personal level, creating a long-term relationship with a certain product or business.
If a business is not already producing videos as part of a long-term marketing plan, it is already behind. Cisco estimates that 69 percent of all consumer internet traffic will be video by 2017. Even small businesses can benefit from video content marketing. Videos should be short, but rich in content. One video can be worth the equivalent of thousands of words in print. It is now no longer exorbitantly expensive to produce videos, making this an obtainable goal for businesses of all sizes.
When investing in a marketing plan, including video, a company must ensure that they get a return on any financial investment made. A professional team can help build video content that is engaging, creative and specifically geared toward your target audience. Get an evaluation from an experienced marketer and learn how you can use your resources in the most effective way, even with a limited budget designated for marketing and advertising. The future of marketing is in video content–what are you doing to be certain that your business is not left behind?